
Rice Composition

The Staple Food of the People of Bangladesh : Rice

Rice is the staple food grain of Bangladesh, India and many other countries of south-east Asia. Rice is got from paddy. It grows on moist soil and requires watering.

There are four kinds of rice in our country. They are the Aus, the Aman, the Boro and the IRRI. The Aus is sown in the month of Falgoon and is harvested in the late Baishakh. The Boro is sown in the month of Magh and harvested in the month of Chaitra. It grows well in low and marshy lands. The Aman is sown in the month of Ashar and harvested in the months of Kartik, the Agrahayan and the early Poush. The IRRI can be sown at any time. It is harvested within sixty to seventy days from the day of sowing.

There are two distinct processes of the cultivation of paddy. One is sowing and the other is transplanting. In both cases the fields are ploughed, harrowed and manured well.

When the paddy is ripened, the grains are separated from hay. Then by husking paddy we get rice. Rice from paddy may be of two kinds. Atap and boiled. When paddy is dried and husked, it is called Atap rice. When the paddy is first boiled and then dried and husked, it is called boiled rice.

We live on rice. The parched rice, the flattened rice and many kinds of cakes are made of rice. 

We should avoid the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides as far as possible in rice field. It has harmful effect. However, we should grow more rice.

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