
The Blessings of Modern Science Composition

The Blessings of Modern Science

The blessings of modern science are notable. Electricity is the first wonder of modern science. It has brought about a great change in our life. Modern civilization itself is indeed the creation of electricity.

Telephone is another blessing of science. It helps a man to talk with any-one sitting in any corner of the world.

Wireless and radio are another great blessing of modern science. They enable us to hear human voice from any part of the world.

Another great wonder of modern science is television. It enables us to see and enjoy news, games and sports, dramas, cinemas and many other important events taking place thousands of miles away while we are sitting in our drawing rooms. aeroplanes, steamers, motor cars etc. have enabled us to travel the furthest end of the world within a very short time.

The inventions of Penicillin, X-rays, ECG, Radio-therapy etc. are wonders of modern science in the field of medicine. 

The latest miracle of science is computer. It is like a super electric brain doing all types of difficult calculations, keeping records and information which can be retrieved and recovered. The invention of rocket is also a wonder of science. It has made space travel easy. With its help today man can fly even to the moon. 

In fact, we know little how much debt we owe to science in the daily affairs of our life.

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