
The Brave Cowherd Story

The Brave Cowherd

There lived a cowherd in a village. One day, early in the morning, he went out with his herd of cows. He took the cows to a field near a railway bridge. The cows were grazing in the field and the cowherd was walking along the railway track. He went upto the bridge and was looking around. "God heavens! Somebody has removed a rail from that line," He said to himself. "A mail train will cross the bridge in an hour's time and surely there will be accident!" "The train will come from this side," he thought. Then he saw the train coming towards him at full speed. He took off wave it. his shirt and began to The driver of the engine saw him from a distance. The engine whistled and whistled, but the boy did not move from the railway track. So the driver stopped the train. The driver was very angry with the boy. He got off the train and came up to him. He struck the boy on the face and pushed him away from the track. The boy fell on the ground. After some time he said. "Water." The driver gave him a glass of water. The boy drank the water. He then kept silent for a minute. Then he told everything to the driver. They became wondered seeing the wit and courage of the boy. "Thank you very much! Thank you very much!" said the driver and the guard. "You have saved the lives of hundreds of people in the train, without careing for your own life. You are a very brave boy indeed! May God bless you!"

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