
The Mango Paragraph

The Mango

In Bangladesh there are many kinds of fruits. Mango is one of them. It is a summer fruit. It grows abundantly in northern districts of our country. There are different types of mangoes. The Fazli and the Gopal Bhog Are the best. The green mango tastes sour. So many kinds of delicious pickles are made from green mangoes. The mango has a skin and inside the skin there is a hard shell. There is sweet flesh in between the skin and the shell. Flesh is the main attraction of a mango. It is a very delicious fruit. Everybody likes to eat it as it is very tasty. Generally it grows in countries like Bangladesh, Srilanka, India and West Indies. We can collect mango juice from ripe mangoes. Then it can be preserved for a long time. People of all ages are more or less fond of mangoes. Mango is called the king of fruits.

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