
The Rainy Season of Bangladesh Composition

The Rainy Season of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a land of six seasons. The rainy season is one of them. It comprises the Bangla months of Ashar and Shravan.

During the rainy season the sky often remains clouded. Violent blast of wind blow, lightning flashes and thunder roars. The sun remains hidden behind the clouds and it rains in torrents. Sometimes, there is continuous rain for days together. The low-lying lands under water and look like a vast sheet of water.  

The rainy season does much good to us. Nature assumes a new appearance at the advent of the rainy season. The landscape appears green. The rain water washes away the filth and purifies the surface of the earth. It lessens the intense heart of summer. It makes our land alluvial, fertile and suitable for growing better crops.

The rainy season is not an unmixed blessing all the times. It has disadvantages too. During this season the roads in the countryside become muddy and slippery and as such people can't go from one place to another on foot easily. Sometimes heavy rainfall overflows the banks of the rivers and causes floods. The rainy season brings merits with some dermerits. 

Despite having a few demerits, the rainy season is of great use to nature and climate. There are frequent floods during this season. However, we can overcome the sufferings of people by taking appropriate steps.

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