
The Value of Time Composition

The Value of Time

Value of time means evaluation of time properly, in other words, doing proper work in proper time. Life is nothing but the sumtotal of a number of moments. Every moment is useful and important. Time once gone is gone for ever.

Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, thus time goes on. Life is short. To make it significant, proper use of time is inevitable. We have to do a great many things during this short time.

Today's student is tomorrow's tower. Student life is the seedling period of life. Students must not put off anything for tomorrow what they can do today. Tomorrow is always uncertain. Napoleon could reach only five minutes earlier, he must not have lost the Battle of Waterloo. Student must remember it. They ought to also remember the saying, "As you sow, so you If reap."

To make proper use of time we must follow a routine. We must do the right thing in the right time. We must lead a routine-bound life.  

Wastage of time is self-destruction. Those who waste time can never prosper in life. They rather involve in mischievous activities. Some of them depend on the charity of others. They cannot think of anything good because "An idle brain is the devil's workshop." 

Making right use of time is the source of all success and happiness in life. He who realises the value of time does his works in due time. All who became great and immortal on earth made the proper use of time.

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