
The War of Liberation in 1971 Composition

The War of Liberation in 1971

The war that took place for the freedom of our motherland in 1971 is called the War of Liberation. The war was against Pakistan Govt. The war was held inevitably as the Pakistani Govt. deprived the eastern regional people of their political, economic and cultural rights. The great leader Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman led the war. In the first phase of the war, Pakistan Army jumped upon the armless people of Dhaka with weapons. It was the night of March 25, 1971.

After the declaration of the independence of Bangladesh, all classes of people such as students, teachers, government job holders joined the war. Bangladesh formed various forces to fight for the country.

Then the second phase started. There were many groups of freedom fighters. Though Pakistan Army had modern arms, Bangladeshi people and freedom fighters had few weapons. But they were able to defeat the Pakistani Army in many battle fields. The war lasted for nine months.

In the last phase of the war, Pakistani Army became sure of their defeat. They started killing children, women and innocent people. Some evil Bangladeshies assisted Pakistani Army. Almost three million people were killed in the war. Being certain of defeat, the Pakistani Army with ninety thousand soldiers surrendered. Bangladesh got victory in the Independence war on 16 December when the Pakistan Army surrendend. As a result of the victory, Bangladesh became an independent state in the world and its people become free.

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