
The Wicked Wolf Story

The Wicked Wolf

On a sunny day a young lamb was grazing gladly at the foot of a small hill. At that time he A felt the necessity of drinking water. So it began to look to and fro in order to find out water. Then it found a little stream coming down from the top of the hill. It walked there drink water to A wolf lived in the bush of the hill. The wicked wolf went to the lamb. He said "You young rascal. Why do you make the water dirty? Don't you know that I can not drink muddy water?". to it angrily "No sir", replied the lamb. The water flows past you before it comes to me. I am standing down the stream.' So saying it began to tremble in fear. As the wolf was very wicked, it was not difficult for him to find out a proper plea to kill it. So he found out another plea for killing it. The wolf said. "All right. you did not make the water dirty, but you called me names one year ago." The lamb was trembling in fear. He said, "Believe me, sir, I was born only six months back. How could I rebuke you?" Then the wolf said. "Then your mother did that and for that I would punish you." Saying so, he killed the young lamb and ate its flesh.

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1 comment

1 comment

  • Anonymous
    10 May, 2022
    Tnx 😀😊