
The Wolf and The Crane Story

The Wolf and The Crane

Once there lived a wolf in a deep forest. It was very ferocious. He always did harm to other animals. So, all the animals in the forest were scared of him. But they did not dare protest against it. They were quite helpless. One day the wolf saw a young lamb grazing at the foot of a small hill. He fell upon the young lamb, tore him to pieces and started devouring the delicious lesh. Suddenly, a bone got stuck in his throat. It tired to get rid of it but could not. The wolf saw a crane with a long beak fishing by the river side. The crane was very hungry because he could not catch any fish for a long time. The wolf went near the crane and told him with a soft voice. "Hellow, my dear friend, you seem to be very pale. Are you hungry?" The crane replied, "Yes. I ain really very hungry. I have been looking for fish since morning, but I found no food here. The wolf assured him saying, "Don't worry you please help me to bring out the bone from my throat with your beak and in return I will give you a delicious meal." The crane believed the wolf. He brought out the bone from the throat of the wolf. The wolf got relief and became very happy. The crane then wanted the wolf to fulfill his promise by giving him a delicious meal. The wolf said, "You have already got your return. ." "How?" asked the crane. The wolf said, "I could easily swallow you when you entered your beak into my throat. But I showed you sympathy. So you should be grateful to me." The crane could smell his imminent danger and New away immediately.

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