
Tit for Tat Story

Tit for Tat

There lived a buffalo and a fox in a jungle on the bank of a river. They were great friends. t One day the fox said to the buffalo "Oh, friend, there is a fine green field of maize. It stands on the other side of the river. The maize plant is good for a hearty meal you. Moreover, I shall get crabs and fish by the side of the river. Please take me across the river." The buffalo agreed to this proposal. So he asked the fox to sit on his back. The buffalo swam across the river easily. The buffalo went to the field of maize plants and began to eat. The fox began to run up and down the bank of the river. He was in search of crabs and fish. He ate more and more crabs that he could find. As the fox was smaller than the buffalo, he could satisfy his hunger in a short time. But this time the buffalo could not eat as much as he needed. Meanwhile the fox u began to run about in the field in joy. He did not forget to howl with all his might. The villagers came out of the village in a body to drive the fox away. But to their surprise, they found not only a fox but also a buffalo. They fell on the poor buffalo with sticks and beat him The villagers heard the fox howling. black and blue. Then they followed the fox. But they could do no harm to the cunning beast. Soon they became tired, gave up chasing the fox and went home. Then the fox came up to the buffalo and said, "It would be better for us to go home now." The buffalo got very angry upon bon the fox. He said to himself," I will teach you a good lesson." So he said, "Very well, get upon my back as you had done before." The fox got upon the buffalo's back. Once again the buffalo began to cross the river. Soon they RAgot into the water. He began to reach deeper and deeper. The buffalo said to fox, "I wish. I dive a little." "Oh! my friend, why do you wish to do so?" said the fox, "I don't know." replied the buffalo. It is a habit I have, I always like a little dive after dinner." So saying the buffalo dived into deep water. He shook off the fox as he dived in the river. Soon the poor fox was drowned in the following water. The buffalo safely swam ashore.

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