
Unity Is Strength Story

Unity Is Strength
Or, United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Once upon a time there was an old farmer. He lived with his wife and three sons in a small village. The three sons always quarrelled with each other. But their father did not like it. Their parents told them to stop quarrelling, but they did not listen to their parents. One day the sons were quarrelling again. The farmer heard it. He told them to stop. Then he asked them to bring five sticks and some rope. The sons brought the sticks and their father. The farmer then tied the sticks together with the rope. He ordered his sons to break the bundle of sticks. But they could not break it, because the sticks were together. rope for Then the father asked them to loosen the rope. This time he gave each son a stick and told them to break it. Then the son broke each stick very easily, because each stick was separate. Finally the farmer told his sons that this was the way to teach them that unity is strength. The sons realised the matter.

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