
Your Favourite Bangladeshi Food Paragraph

Your Favourite Bangladeshi Food

I am a Bangladeshi. So, I like Bangladeshi foods such as rice, fish, dal, vegetables, fruits like mangoes, jackfruits, bananas, pineapples, black-berries etc. and foods made from these fruits are my favourite. Rice and fish are my favourtie food. Besides, bread and butter made in Bangladesh are my favourite food. I like Polao with beef very much. Seasonal home made foods like vapa pitha in the month of Poush is my favourite food. Actually, we have traditional home-made foods and they are very delicious. I like small fish curry very much. The hilsa fish are available in Bangladesh. I like rice with hilsha fish curry. Various types of foods such as pitha made from date-juice in the month of Poush and Magh is very delicious I like to have it early in the morning. Nevertheless, I am really habituated in having rice and fish which are very common and favourite food in Bangladesh.

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